What does it mean for beauty equipment manufacturer getting CE certification

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What does it mean for beauty equipment manufacturer getting CE certification

For one beauty équipments society, getting the CE certification is the only and the most important approach to open the door of European Union and then sell beauty equipments to all the European Union members. CE certification provide the unified technical specifications for other countries do business in European market and simplify the trade process at the same time. Any products, take the beauty équipments as example, in other word, any beauty equipments can be sold in European Union members, the beauty equipment society should get the CE certification for their beauty equipments. So CE certification is the traffic permit, which shows that the products of beauty equipment manufacturer have got the safety demand of European Union and it is more importantly a commitment to beauty consumers. One beauty equipment manufacturer getting CE certification will increase the beauty consumers’ trust for their beauty equipments and also will reduce the risk of sales in European market.

How can one beauty equipment society get the CE certification? It should go through six steps: Firstly, determine the standard instruction and coordination the beauty equipments are coincident. Secondly, determine the requirements in detail the products should comply with. Thirdly, determine whether the beauty equipment need to be inspected by notified body. Fourthly, Test the beauty equipment and verify its compliance. Fifthly, drafting and save technical documents required by the instruction. Sixthly, label CE on the corresponding beauty equipments and make CE conformance statement. Once the above six steps are finished, the corresponding beauty équipments can be free flowed in all the European Union members.

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