Matters Needing Attention During Operation with E-light Beauty Equipment

Published on by BodyTruth

Matters Needing Attention During Operation with E-light Beauty Equipment

E light beauty équipment has been used widely, but not every beauty salon gets the good curative effect during using E-light beauty equipment. There are several reasons for this, maybe the beauty équipment has problems, but most of the reason is beautician operated improperly. This article introduces matters needing attention during operation with E-light beauty equipment.

There are a lot of notes of E-light beauty equipment, only in operation the notes are so many, because E-light beauty equipment can do a lot of project, is probably the most universal beauty equipment, and each kind of project has some corresponding matters needing attention, which is not an article can say clearly, so this article mainly introduces some common considerations which will influence the final treatment effect.

The first point is treatment handle needs to be put a few light before treatment, so that the instrument internal water cycle ensure cooling effect of the treatment head. After that, beautician needs to try the temperature and the energy of the treatment head in her own arm. Although E-light beauty equipment has been used very widely in the market now, technology is mature, however, E-light beauty equipment is still a high-tech instruments, probably because of some problems energy suddenly increases, if do not try the energy and temperature it may cause some accidents.

A lot of customers smear plentiful cold gel, actually this is a very wrong way, because the cold gel is used to guide cold, make treatment head contact with the skin better and seamlessly, so it just needs a thin layer which can cover the skin completely. If cold gel is too thick, it will lose a lot of energy so as to bad curative effect, because cold gel will absorb energy. E-light beauty equipment also requires to clean cold gel on the surface of treatment head after the treatment is finished, which is very important for the lifetime of the xenon lamp and crystal rod inside the instrument. The xenon lamp and crystal rods are one of the most important factors deciding the lifetime of E-light beauty equipment.

The above is the all the content of E-light beauty equipment’s notices, I hope to help you.

Published on Hair Removal History

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