How can beauty salons promote their professional degree by using beauty machines

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How can beauty salons promote their professional degree by using beauty machines

With the increase of people beauty consumption, the current beauty industry is now developing like a raging fire. All sorts of beauty machines with strange shapes and strange functions are “contend in beauty and fascination”and each showing his special prowess. For beauty salons, beauty machines are now the indispensable and owning at least one beauty machine no matter laser or Elight machine are the normal phenomenon for all beauty salons. But how the beauty salons promote their professional degree by using beauty machines is a headache problem for beauty salons.

For beauty salons, they should pay more attention to the advantage of every machine. Every machine all has its own advantage and its own best function. Not only using one beauty machines can the beauty salon carry out a variety of beauty projects but they should combine many beauty machines with beauty products to promote their own professional degree and treatment effect. Take the beauty salons which are professional for slimming as an example. This kind of beauty salons should offer professional counselor to make professional solution and plan for clients. In addition, the professional slimming detecting instrument is necessary for counselor which can analyze the body condition such as weight, fat, moisture and waist hip ratio etc. And according the detecting data to analyze the problems of clients rather than help clients to reduce weight at the very start. “suit the remedy to the case” is the basic and the key demand for physician. When clients have obesity problem caused by fat and moisture exceed standard, beauty salon should choose the beauty machines which are used to reduce fat. And fat is divided into many kinds such as oedema fat, orange peel fat, hypertrophy fat and lesion fat etc. Only depending on one blasting fat machine is not enough. What’s more, reducing fat also needs client’s cooperation in a high degree, for example, the reasonable diet and exercise for fear the rebound of obesity.

So not only depending on the beauty machines can solve the skin or obesity problem completely, the necessary and professional problems solution systems can help beauty salons promote their professional degree of using beauty machines.

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